Special Tracks
Special tracks are held in parallel with the general conference and are an integral part of the conference. They provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to meet and present their work, and offer a forum for interaction among the broader community of artificial intelligence researchers. Special track papers are required to meet the same standards as papers in the general conference and are published in the same conference proceedings.
The following special tracks will be offered at FLAIRS-33:
- AI in Healthcare Informatics
- Applied Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence for Big Social Data Analysis
- AI for Internet of Things and Fab Labs/Makerspaces
- Autonomous Robots and Agents
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Data Mining
- Intelligent Learning Technologies
- Recommender Systems
- Semantic, Logics, Information Extraction and AI (SLIE&AI)
- Uncertain Reasoning
- Spoken Language Processing and Conversational Systems
- Neural Networks
- Security, Privacy and Trust in the Big Data and AI Age
- Artificial Intelligence in Games, Serious Games, and Multimedia
Submissions to special tracks follow the same rules and deadlines as for the general conference track.
Special Track Coordinator: Fazel Keshtkar <[email protected]>